Absence Management
Lost time from work due to occupational and non-occupational circumstances has become a significant workplace challenge. In addition to absence as a result of workplace injuries/illness, workplaces are experiencing an increase in non-occupation absences due to sickness, innocent absenteeism, blameworthy absenteeism and presentism.
MCPS offers employers a broad range of services focusing on occupational and non-occupational issues. We have extensive experience managing sick leave and STD/LTD cases. As a third party it is our goal to review, assess, manage, and support full attendance at work.
Among our services, MCPS will review and enhance existing Absence and Attendance Management and Support Programs (AMSP). Where an AMSP is not yet in place, MCPS will work with the workplace parties to establish a reasonable and effective program. Our goal is to recommend a variety of proactive initiatives to support remain at work. Where absence from work occurs, the next phase of our program involves all reasonable steps to support return to work to pre-injury employment or accommodated work and to ensure stay at work.
MCPS offers employers comprehensive disability management where medical intervention is needed to assist the employer’s absence management program. Where absence from work is unavoidable and there is no reasonable expectation that an individual will be fit to continue employment then MCPS can offer vocational evaluation and vocational rehabilitation/job placement services.